Kam exists in a virtual world, on a journey to reach the top of Killer Mountain. But as he nears the summit, he falls—down into our world.
Kam wakes up in Manchester, England. And though he’s clearly not of flesh, the people show little interest. Without a mountain to climb, Kam is left to wander the land.
But as he moves through the city, the fabric of reality quakes, and it is time for his return to the mountain.
Directed by Arnold Pollock and scored by Jack Hughes. Kam has a runtime of 12 minutes 23s and is currently at the festival circuit stage. An inital, 6 minute pilot film of Kam was selected and premiered at HOME cinema in Manchester as part of the Manchester Open Exhibition 2022/ Film Programme and was further nominated for the People’s Choice Award at the Manchester Open 2022.
© Arnold Pollock